
Cleansing Healing Crystals

Healing Crystals are an intended gift from mother Earth, Gaia. Masses have resonated with crystals and stones for centuries and have understood the positive, elevating, energizing, and calming vibrations they emit. Even now, in the Age we live in, individuals are still in constant search for the healing properties that will aid concerns that have been present for generations. As they assist the holder in achieving a more peaceful mind and a regenerated physical state of being.


Why to Cleance

Crystals and stones easily become charged and sometimes saturated with one’s energy, simply by touching them or meditating in their presence. Sequentially energies are stored in the stones especially when used for healing in turn need constant cleansing and empowering just like you do yourself, friends and family. And so, purifying and empowering healing crystals are aspects of the same process. When you use crystals for healing, magical, or defensive purposes, they naturally lose energy and absorb negativity when individuals talk about their tragedies or anguish flows from the person into the crystal. Though we now know some newly discovered crystals do not appear to require cleansing or charging but know that the ritual is a useful technique to ensure that any energy that has invaded our aura is dispersed.


When to Cleance

It is essential to cleanse any crystal that is new to you. With the purpose of removing the traces left by those who have handled it even though the energies remaining may not be negative, stones that belong to you should be recharged with your own power. Know that you can endow the crystal with your own power and that of the elements. Also if a crystal feels heavy or looks dull it is because it probably needs resting and restoring, especially when used on a daily basis. It is recommended for everyday crystal wearers to have more than one of their favorite stones to prevent their exhaustion as much as possible


Suggested frequency

It depends on the use and intention you as a bio-individual have set  for the healing crystal. Nevertheless a good time frame is doing it as a once a week ritual. Contrasted to when it is used as a worn amulet and especially when it is used for intense emotional work it should be cleansed right after the work. Home and workplace healing crystals that hold negative energies or irradiate high vibrations will also become rapidly depleted and need constant purification as well. 


Methods of cleansing

  • Smudging: The smoke of smudging will dissipate traces of unwanted remainings, minerals, energies and others. It can successfully be done by using sage, cedar, pine and broad-based incenses. Guide the smoke across each crystal in all of directions to purify, recharge and empower each of your crystals. As you do so, repeat the mantra ‘above, around, to the ground, peace surround.’ This form is highly recommended when cleansing more than one crystal at a time, and to do so place your crystals in a circle and guide the smoke as directed. 
  • Using a Crystal Pendulum: Hold a clear-crystal, amethyst or rose quartz pendulum over the crystal. Pass the pendulum over the crystal nine times with slow and anticlockwise circles to remove negativity. Dip the pendulum into a bowl of cold water nine times and shake it dry. Finally, move the pendulum nine times clockwise over the crystal to empower it.  
  • Cleansing and empowering with Salt and Water: Add three pinches of salt to a bowl of mineral water and stir clockwise with a clear pointed crystal. Sprinkle three circles of the salt water around the crystals moving outwards. As you sprinkle ask the benign light of the universe, deity or angel to remove all darkness from the crystal and infuse it with healing light. 
  • Using Earth Energies: Visit a place where earth energies are strong: a standing stone, a Stone Circle, long borrow, burial mound or fairy hill, and if possible, go soon after dawn. Set your crystal or crystals on top of a flat stone or at its foot if it is too tall or pointed. Leave the crystals for at least thirty minutes so that the negative energies can flow into the earth and power can race through the stones.
  • Cleansing with Nature: Leave the crystal in sunlight and moonlight for a twenty-four-hour period or in a rainstorm for just two or three minutes. The day of the full moon is good because the moon rises  around the time the sunsets and so you have a continuous flow of energies. Put the crystal in a pot of herbs associated with general healing for example: lavender, sage or rosemary. Leave it for a day and wash off any soil with running water. Leave the crystal in a stream for an hour.
  • Cleansing with Crystals: Wrap the Crystal you have used for healing with a large unpolished piece of amethyst and dark silk. Leave the crystals in a closed drawer to rest recharge.
  • Using a Herb Infusion: use one teaspoon of whichever dried herb is appropriate for three cups of water. If you are using fresh herbs, use three teaspoons of the herb. Pour boiling water over the herbs in a pot and let the infusion cool. Strain infusion into a ceramic or glass dish. Discard the herbs. Add your healing crystals to the infusion and leave them for twelve hours. Hold them under running water. For delicate crystals, use dried lavender heads, chamomile flowers or rose petals in the infusion and make a circle of the sprinkles in the infusion around the crystals and use an anti-clockwise direction and then clockwise. 

Final thoughts

Just as you care yourself and those around you, crystals clearly do too, and as they bring you prosperity, comfort, reassurance, guidance, grounding and protection, caring for them is essential. Displaying acts of kindness such as cleansing and empowering your crystals deepens your bond and subsequently their healing powers are strengthened. 



Resource: Book of “Healing Crystals”

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